
Arjun Patel
An Indian meal dish with rice, lentils, tortillas, vegetables, sweets, and curd, alongside a ready-to-drink protein shake bottle on a royal blue background

Which Meal is Best to Replace with a Shake?

Mornings are usually chaotic. Between hitting the snooze button too many times, trying to get dressed and rushing out the door to make breakfast.  I know I'm not alone in this.  Many of us find ourselves grabbing a sugary pastry or coffee on the go and worse, skipping breakfast altogether.  But skipping breakfast can leave you feeling sluggish throughout the day, impacting your energy levels and focus. So, what's the solution?  It’s meal replacement shakes and nutrition drinks. These convenient options can be a lifesaver for busy mornings, providing a quick and easy way to fuel your body with essential...

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Arjun Patel
Fitness equipment, including a weight scale, protein bottles, and dumbbells, set against a blue background, symbolising tools for weight management and muscle-building

Can Meal Replacement Help with Weight Loss?

We have all been there, staring at the fridge full of leftovers, hungry but overwhelmed at the idea of preparing a healthy meal from scratch. That's where meal replacement shakes come in handy – they are convenient, delicious and key to weight loss success. But are they the answer to what we’ve been searching for? Well, it's not that straightforward. Let's dig into the world of meal replacement and find out if it can truly support your weight loss journey. Table of Contents What is A Meal Replacement Shake? Do Meal Replacement Shakes Help You Slim Down? How Much Weight...

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Arjun Patel
An Indian man in gym attire, wearing a t-shirt and shorts, drinking a protein shake against a royal blue background in an Indian gym setting.

Can I Drink Protein Shakes Without Working Out?

Life is hectic. Balancing work, family, and endless to-dos makes hitting the gym tough. But as you scroll past online posts of people gaining weight, you may wonder, "Can't I just drink protein shakes to build muscle?" Well, it's not that easy. So, we looked into it: Do protein shakes work alone, or do they need exercise? Table of Contents What Does Protein Do To Your Body? Can I Have Protein Shakes Without Work Out? Protein Shakes Can Be Helpful: Here’s How Conclusion Frequently Asked Questions What Does Protein Do To Your Body? Protein is the building block of our...

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Arjun Patel
A scoop of protein powder, a labelled protein container, a spoon, and a glass of milk and water, with “two scoops?” in black font above.

Is 2 scoops of protein too much?

We have all been there. After an intense workout at the gym, you feel pumped and ready to refuel your muscles. As you approach your protein powder, you face a common confusion: one scoop or two? Is there a magic number for the protein powder dosage in your post-workout drink? It's a question that often confuses people. With so much information available about protein powder, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and unsure about the right dosage. And when life gets busy, making a shake might not be feasible. When time is tight, how do you meet your protein needs? Thankfully,...

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